
"Inspiring for Action" group conference calls (or face-to-face meetings)

You can use these inspirations by yourself.  But you will gain so much insight, energy and support from a group! (See the "How To" page if you want to form a group that meets by phone weekly.)

Here is the suggested format for weekly meetings. It has been in use since March 2017, and reflects Terry's experience facilitating all kinds of groups over the years.  It works.

When the group has gathered:

1.  Facilitator or chosen person reads aloud an "Opening Inspiration" from the blog post for the week (or another inspiration they have chosen) to set the tone for your conversation.

2.  Each person updates the group on what they have done and learned related to their activism in the past week– a couple of minutes each.

3.  Optionally, facilitator reads aloud a "Question of the week" portion of the blog (or another question they have chosen), and the group reflects on it.  It may be appropriate to actually take turns answering a question, or to just consider what the question brings up in you.

4.  Each person updates the group on what they plan to do and learn related to their activism in the coming week.

5.  Plan the next meeting: time, who is available and who is not, who (if anyone) will remind people, and who will facilitate.

6.  Facilitator or chosen person portion expresses a wish, blessing, prayer, quote, or other inspiration to end the meeting, then group says their goodbyes.

Questions?  Feedback? Email me.

Guidelines/Suggestions for Effective Calls

Respect peoples' time.  Start and end on time-- I suggest a one-hour firm time limit.  If people are going to be late, request they text the facilitator.  They can jump in when they arrive (or call in.) Depending on the size of the group, you may want to give people a time limit for their updates and for each topic.

• We are not judging or comparing our activism.  Showing up for a call and listening in is action.  So it is quite acceptable to say that you did nothing last week, or that you expect to be tied up with life (or resting) and do not plan to do anything in the coming week.  Feel free to reassure one another of this.

Stay Focused.  Unless the group is very small, you will probably need to remind people regularly to stay on topic, and to let each person give their complete update before another comments.  Directing group conversation can be a challenge, yet undirected groups may foster irritation and fail to serve their purpose.  Feel free to call me (Terry) for free coaching if your group is facing this kind of challenge: 949-400-3379.

• Do remember the opening and closing inspirations!  They remind us that we are a part of something positive and powerful and much larger than ourselves.  They make a difference. If an inspiration rubs you the wrong way, or is from a religious tradition that rubs you the wrong way, choose an alternate one.

• Get the word out!  Action inspires action.  Let people know, by word of mouth, and social media, that you are participating in an "Inspiring for Action" group or conference call. Fee free to share this website and blog too.

•  Include, but don't demand.  These calls are not for everybody. If somebody expresses interest, or participates once or twice then doesn't show... be gracious, include them in updates, and let them know they're welcome in the future. Keep inviting new people.

Let people do for the group what they do best.  A larger group could designate one person time-keeper, another focus-keeper, another facilitator, and another convener. (Please allow people to freely choose their roles; if they are "rotated into" a role that doesn't work for them, everyone will suffer.)

• After a couple of weeks, group members may want to set or adjust their own guidelines.  You can send this list to participants as a conversation starter.

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